Najasoguraensis Miki is a typical underwater pollination plant. Male flowers pedicels 2-4h before pollen shed quickly elongation, break membranous outer sheath is shaped and bent outwardly to release pollen peak almost horizontal state, the pollen is released directly into the water facilitates order to spread. Floral composition and structure is extremely simplified, pollen grains rich in starch, pollen drop of water placed on highly adaptable water pollinated stigmas often before germination of pollen tube length, is suitably formed stigma pollen memo captured exhibited. Sexual reproduction is developed, selfing, outcrossing, and the mixed seed rate above 85%; pollen / ovule (P / O) was 2690 ± 300, and indicative of self-breeding system. Asexual reproduction is weak, only in the form of easily adventitious roots of plant fragments, but is still important for the proliferation of the species. On the biological characteristics of flower Australia Gouts algae, breeding systems and pollination mechanisms were discussed, the Australian Gouts algae exhibit a number of submerged plants peculiar Characteristics: perianth simplify, simplify pollen outer wall made Explain and discuss the relationship between selfing and outbreeding in breeding system.