银屑病的病因迄今尚未从根本上得到阐明,目前许多治疗的药物缺乏充分的实验基础。疗效常不能重复。中医中药是一个伟大的宝库,要更好地发掘其中治疗银屑病的有效药物,需要可供试验的动物模型。 Spearman和Jarrett用鼠尾作为银屑病实验动物模型,用以检验某些药物对银屑病的治疗作用,观察到外用维生素甲酸对银屑病的治疗作用和它对鼠尾鳞片表皮的颗粒层形成作用有密切关系。喜树酊外用治疗银屑病有较好的近期效果,这种治疗作用能否用鼠尾模型来检验呢?现将我们的初步实验结果报告于下。
The cause of psoriasis has so far not been fundamentally clarified and many therapeutic drugs currently lack sufficient experimental basis. Efficacy can often not be repeated. Traditional Chinese medicine is a great treasure house. To better explore effective drugs for the treatment of psoriasis, animal models that can be tested are needed. Spearman and Jarrett used rat tail as an animal model of psoriasis to test the therapeutic effect of certain drugs on psoriasis, observed the therapeutic effect of topical vitamin formic acid on psoriasis and its granular layer on rat tail scales. Forming effects are closely related. The topical treatment of psoriasis with camptothecin has a good short-term effect. Can this treatment effect be tested using the rat tail model? Now report our preliminary results.