业务流程管理(Business Process Management,BPM)不是一个新概念,它是从相关的业务流程变革领域,如业务流程改进、业务流程重组、业务流程革新中发展起来的。Gartner给出的BPM的定义是:BPM是一个描述一组服务和工具的一般名词,这些服务和工具为显式的流程管理(如流程的分析、定
Business Process Management (BPM) is not a new concept. It is developed from related business process change areas such as business process improvement, business process reengineering and business process innovation. The definition of BPM given by Gartner is: BPM is a generic term describing a set of services and tools that are explicit process management (such as process analysis, decision