魏晋南北朝是中国历史上最为动荡的时代。但战争时间是短暂的 ,稳定仍然是主基调。在军事测绘发展史上 ,它上承秦汉发展的高峰 ,下启隋唐发展的辉煌。三国时代的刘徽提出的重差测量理论 (包括汉代已经成熟的勾股定理)和西晋裴秀提出的制图六体构成了中国古代测绘的理论支柱 ,标志着中国古代测绘理论体系的形成。因此 ,本历史阶段在军事测绘发展史上堪称闪光的一页。
The Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties were the most turbulent times in Chinese history. However, the war time is short and stability remains the main tone. In the history of the development of military surveying and mapping, it inherits the peak of the development of the Qin and Han dynasties and starts the brilliant development of the Sui and Tang dynasties. The theory of heavy difference measurement (including the well-established Pythagorean theorem of Han Dynasty) proposed by Liu Hui in the Three Kingdoms Period and the Cartographic Sixth Body proposed by Pei Xiu in the Western Jin Dynasty constitute the theoretical pillar of ancient Chinese surveying and mapping and mark the formation of the theoretical system of surveying and mapping in ancient China. Therefore, this historical stage is a glorious page in the history of military mapping.