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自二孩生育政策全面开放后,高龄产妇数量增多,同时由于辅助生殖技术的广泛应用,使得高危妊娠产妇的比例逐年上升,这给产科工作增加了新的挑战。高危妊娠不仅使妊娠并发症发病风险增高,同时威胁母婴生命健康。对高危孕妇进行产前筛查和孕期保健让其平稳、安全度过妊娠期及分娩期至关重要。近年来,产前筛查工作和分级诊疗制度不断完善,高危孕妇得到了更严密的监护和积极干预。同时,“互联网+”医院的推广在产科领域也初见成效,给围产保健服务增加便利。孕产妇健康状况在城乡之间、区域之间还存在差异,妇幼健康服务供给能力有待提高。在降低孕产妇和围产儿病死率方面,产科工作者和孕产妇仍需同时努力,提高高危妊娠的管理水平,预防不良妊娠结局,保障母婴生命安全。“,”Since the two-child policy has been fully liberalized, the number of elderly women has increased, and the widespread application of assisted reproductive technology has increased the proportion of high-risk pregnancy year by year, which adds new challenges to obstetric work. High-risk pregnancy not only increases the risk of pregnancy complications, but also threatens the health of mother and child. Prenatal screening and pregnancy care for high-risk pregnant women are essential to ensure their safety through pregnancy and delivery. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of prenatal screening and hierarchical medical system, high-risk pregnant women have received more intensive monitoring and active intervention. At the same time, the promotion of Internet + hospitals has also achieved initial results in the field of obstetrics, which has increased the convenience of perinatal health care services. However, there are still differences in maternal health status between urban and rural areas and among different regions, and the supply capacity of maternal and child health services needs to be improved. In terms of reducing maternal and perinatal mortality, obstetric workers and maternal women still need to work together to improve the management of high-risk pregnancies, prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes, and ensure the safety of mothers and infants.