全球经济衰退从2008年初起开始影响瑞典制材业,2008 2009年产量比达到峰值的2007年下跌了13%,250万m~3。在此期间有7家制材厂或制材生产线关闭,总生产能力减少了60万m~3,大部分厂家则根据市场情况停工或减少班次。由于建筑活动特别是住房建造减少,2008年和2009年瑞典国内木材市场也显著疲软,进入市场的木材
The global economic downturn has had an impact on the Swedish timber industry since early 2008, with output dropping by 13% to 2.5 million m 3 in 2008 from a peak in 2007. In the meantime, there were 7 production lines for timber plants or timber production lines shut down, reducing the total production capacity by 600,000 m 3, while most of the factories stopped or reduced their flights according to market conditions. Due to a decline in construction activities, particularly housing construction, the domestic domestic timber market also showed a significant weakness in 2008 and 2009, with market access to timber