简政放权 创新机制 党的十八大以来价格改革取得新突破

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党的十八大以来,国家发展改革委认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,以推进供给侧结构性改革为主线,紧紧围绕使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用,深入推进价格领域“放管服”改革,97%以上的商品和服务价格实现市场调节,市场决定价格机制基本建立,少数仍由政府定价的自然垄断行业和公共服务领域也初步建立了以“准许成本+合理收益”为核心的科学定价制度,企业价费负担大幅降低,节能环保价 Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the National Development and Reform Commission has conscientiously implemented the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and has taken the structural reform of the supply side as the main line. Focusing on making the market play a decisive role in resource allocation and giving better play to the role of government, More than 97% of the prices of goods and services have been adjusted by the market. The pricing mechanism has basically been established in the market. A few natural monopoly industries and public service sectors still priced by the government have also been initially established. “Allowable cost + reasonable income ” as the core of the scientific pricing system, corporate fees greatly reduce the price, energy saving price
编者按 自从京津城际铁路于2008年8月1日开通,高铁便以迅雷不及掩耳之势走进我们的生活。据《中国铁路中长期发展规划》,到2020年,为满足快速增长的旅客运输需求,建立省会城市及大中城市间的快速客运通道,规划“四纵四横”铁路快速客运通道以及四个城际快速客运系统。根据规划,到2012年我国将建成客运专线42条,总里程1.3万公里。  高铁是一个集各项最先进的铁路技术、先进的运营管理方式、市场营销和资