In this experiment, 26 healthy Japanese white rabbits were randomly divided into treatment and control groups; All animals were induced atherosclerosis by additional immunodamage with hyperlipidemia. During the experimental period, the treatment group received intravenous injection of PGE 1 for 3 courses and no control group. Histological observations, platelet function tests, cyclic nucleotide assays, circulating immune complex tests, blood lipid assays, and serum lipoprotein electrophoresis were used for a series of morphological and functional parameters. After 12 weeks of dissection, the atherosclerotic plaque area was counted. The mean value of the control group was 33.3±7.6%, and the treatment group was only 7.4±3.7%, P<0.01. Intravitreal injection of PGE_1 could effectively inhibit aortic plaques. Block formation. Also observed in the experiment: 1PGE_1 can effectively