This article reports on methods of early evaluation of tinnitus patients through medical history collection, physical examination and laboratory tests, and related issues. A detailed history of the identification of cochlear and extra-nocturnal tinnitus is of great significance. Cochlear extranodal tinnitus and more blood vessels beating, beating sound, including tumor and arteriovenous murmur caused by this tinnitus can change with the movement and head position changes. Another cause of extranodal tinnitus is caused by the rhythmic contraction of the middle or pharyngeal muscles called myoclonus tinnitus, which does not change with pulse rate, but is often transiently inhibited by swallowing or opening. Cochlear tinnitus has a variety of sensory characteristics, including ringing, roar, buzzing, hissing, tide sound, whistles, buzzing sound or cricket sound and so on. The above sound can be two or more simultaneously appear,