最近,由我国知名企业家、经营管理学者周朝琦、侯龙文编著,经济管理出版社出版的《现代市场营销战略》一书,对现代市场经济条件下的市场营销与市场竞争战略、策略、决策方法进行了系统全面的论述,极具参考价值和实用价值。 作者认为,市场营销战略贯穿于企业的一切市场营销活动,如产品、价格、分销渠道、
Recently, a book entitled “Modern Marketing Strategy”, edited by Zhou Chaoqi, Hou Longwen, a well-known entrepreneur and business management scholar in China, conducted a study on strategies, strategies and decision-making methods for marketing and market competition in modern market economy A comprehensive discussion of the system, great reference value and practical value. The author believes that the marketing strategy runs through all the marketing activities of enterprises, such as product, price, distribution channels,