台湾女画家张福英画展于8月20日至30日在中国历史博物馆举办。展览展出了张女士近年创作的山水绘画作品60余幅,画展吸引了在京喜爱国画艺术的人士的关注。 张福英女士,生于1936年,台湾省苗栗县人,自幼爱好艺术,从事摄影,后拜著名艺术大师黄君壁为师专习国画水墨山水,笔耕40多年,深得黄君壁大师的真传。其作品构图疏密有致、层次分明,有很强的透视效果,望之有
Taiwan artist Zhang Fu-ying’s exhibition was held at the China History Museum from August 20 to 30. The exhibition features more than 60 pieces of landscape paintings created by Ms. Zhang in recent years. The exhibition has attracted the attention of people who love Chinese painting in Beijing. Ms. Zhang Fuying was born in Miaoli County, Taiwan Province in 1936 and loved art and photography since then. She worshiped the true story of Master Huang Junbi after she studied for more than 40 years. The composition of his works is very clear and structured, with a strong perspective effect