Epidemiological investigation of military training injuries for sea trainingand parachuting training

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wfn031641lpp
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Objective: To study epidemiological characteristics of the military training injuries (MTI) during parachuting training of the air force and sea training of the navy. Methods:The subjects of this study were 1382, including 971 navy soldiers (300 recruits and 671 soldiers) and 411 for force recruits. Navy: Each of injured soldiers was investigated by the trained battalion surgeon; Air force: When the parachuting training finished , two doctors in specific field screened and investigated them one by one. Results: The incidence of injury in for force recruits was 16.3% and in navy recruits was 18. 7%. The incidence of navy soldiers was 5.5%, which was significantly lower than that of navy recruits. There was a peak of incidence in the 2nd training month of navy recruits. The peak of incidence of navy soldiers was in 1st training month. The incidence of air force maintained at a high level except 2nd training month. The incidences of lower legs and ankles were higher than those of other sites in navy with percentage of 42.9% and 17.9% respectively. The incidences of ankles and lumbar region were higher than those of other sites in air force with percentage of 26.9% and 23.9% respectively. Incidence of acute traumatic injuries was highest during special course. Conclusion: The result showed the incidence of injury in sea and parachuting training varied. Different preventive measures should be adopted during special training. Objective: To study epidemiological characteristics of the military training injuries (MTI) during parachuting training of the air force and sea training of the navy. Methods: The subjects of this study were 1382, including 971 navy soldiers (300 recruits and 671 soldiers) and 411 for force recruits. Navy: Each of the injured soldiers was investigated by the trained battalion surgeon; Air force: When the parachuting training finished, two doctors in specific fields screened and investigated them one by one. Results: The incidence of injury in for force recruits was 16.3% and in navy recruits was 18. 7%. The incidence of navy soldiers was 5.5%, which was significantly lower than that of navy recruits. There was a peak of incidence in the 2nd training month of navy recruits. The peak of incidence of navy soldiers was in 1st training month. The incidence of air force maintained at a high level except 2nd training month. The incidences of lower legs and ankles were higher than those of other sites in navy with percentage of 42.9% and 17.9% respectively. The incidences of ankles and lumbar regions were higher than those of other sites in air force with percentage of 26.9% and 23.9% respectively. Incidence of acute traumatic injuries was highest during special course. Conclusion: The result showed the incidence of injury in sea and parachuting training varied. Different preventive measures should be adopted during special training.
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(1993年6月20 日) 同志们:江总书记在武汉主持召开六省农业和农村工作座谈会和李鹏总理主持召开农业工作电视电话会以来,省委、省政府先后研究和采取了一系列措施、狠抓落实
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