世界杯有点像足球里的交响乐,一般那些整天哼哼着流行歌曲的人听不了交响乐,也评价不了交响乐,听时间长了还起腻,觉得交响乐太深沉,没劲。 所以,如果你想写交响乐的评论,首先不能是一个整天离不开流行音乐的人。也许流行音乐的行家听交响乐,能听出点感觉,但如果评论,肯定会变味。世界杯基本打完了,现在聊一聊关于世界杯期间看各种各样“球评”时的一点想法。
The World Cup is a bit like a symphony in football. People who hum through popular songs all day do not listen to symphony, nor can they rate the symphony. They still feel tired after listening to a long time. They think the symphony is too deep and boring. So if you want to write a symphony’s commentary, you can not be the first person to have pop music all day long. Perhaps pop musicians listen to symphony, can hear a little sensation, but if the comment, it will certainly become bad. The World Cup is basically finished, and now talk about the idea of watching a variety of “ball” during the World Cup.