
来源 :艺术品鉴 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyh_sh
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对于客观的物象,我们总会以美和丑去评价它。现实的丑与艺术的美互相对立统一而存在,两者的统一性表现为两种形式:一是以丑为美,从作品中表现出狰狞美、个性美。二是化丑为美,实际生活中丑的物象,经过艺术的加工处理,使丑获得崭新的形象,从而使人们对物象产生审美超越,并向艺术美转化。 We will always evaluate beauty and ugliness for objective phenomena. The reality of ugliness and the beauty of art exist in opposition to each other. The unity of the two forms is manifested in two forms. One is ugly beauty, the beauty of beauty and the beauty of personality from the work. The second is to beautify the ugliness and the ugliness in real life. Through the processing of the art, the ugly obtains the brand-new image, so that people can make aesthetic transcendence to the object and transform it into artistic beauty.