
来源 :农村经济与科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheng198208
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一、发常梳:每次动作柔和地梳理81下,可明目健身。二、面常搓:搓热两手,用中指沿鼻部两侧自下而上,带动其它手指,擦到额部,再向两侧分开,经两颊而下,共搓擦36次。有和气血,去皱斑,增光泽的作用。三、眼常旋:端坐,头正腰直,两眼向左旋转三次之后,向前注视片刻,再向右旋转三次,前视片刻。可去内障外翳,纠正近视和远视。 First, the hair comb: Each action gently comb 81, you can see the fitness. Second, the face often rub: rub heat hands, with the middle finger on both sides of the nose from bottom to top, driven by other fingers, rub the forehead, and then separated to the sides, the cheeks, a total of rubbing 36 times. With qi and blood, to wrinkles, add luster effect. Third, the eyes spin: sitting, head straight waist, eyes rotated three times to the left, look forward for a moment, then turn right three times, looking at a moment. Can go to the cataract, correction of myopia and hyperopia.