D型输送带覆盖胶是指GB/T 9770《普通用途钢丝绳芯输送带》中规定的强磨损工作条件下使用的覆盖胶类型,通常称为耐磨型覆盖胶。具体要求是拉伸强度不低于18.0MPa,拉断伸长率不低于400%,磨耗量不大于90mm3。这类覆盖胶适合于运输坚硬、形状不规则、有尖锐凸起、具有较强磨损性的物料,是输送带中一个重要的品种。由于橡胶的磨耗是个比较复杂的力学过程,影响因素很多,其机理尚不够清楚。一般认为橡胶的磨耗有磨损磨耗、卷曲磨耗、疲劳磨耗三种形式。磨
D-type conveyor belt cover glue refers to GB / T 9770 “general-purpose steel cord conveyor belt,” the provisions of the strong wear working under the conditions of the type of plastic cover, commonly known as wear-resistant plastic cover. The specific requirements of the tensile strength of not less than 18.0MPa, elongation at break of not less than 400%, the amount of wear is not greater than 90mm3. This type of plastic cover is suitable for transportation of hard, irregular shape, sharp bulge, with strong abrasive materials, conveyor belt is an important species. As the rubber wear is a more complex mechanical process, many influencing factors, the mechanism is not clear enough. Generally considered wear and tear rubber wear, curl wear, fatigue wear three forms. mill