Patient, female, 25 years old. Married, farmer. January 8, 1978 admission. Hospital number 001541. Patients with menorrhagia, longer than the week, with epistaxis, scalloped, dizziness, palpitation, fatigue 1 year, skin purpura February. Physical examination: body temperature 38.8 ℃, pulse 80 beats / min, breathing 24 beats / min; Poor, pale, limbs, skin patches of purpura and miliary scattered in the bleeding point, the pressure of the fade, immediately restored. Liver Sword 6cm, rib 2cm, Spleen ribs 1cm. Laboratory tests: hemoglobin 6g, total leukocytes 4500 / mm ~ 3, lymphocytes 68%, red blood cell size uneven, some of the central shallow stained area, there are drops of red blood cells. Platelets 74000 / mm ~ 3, reticulocyte 1.6%, red blood cell friability test: start hemolysis 0.42%