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目前我国的配料秤十分落后,尤其是在冶金原料配料系统中大多数是采用手工操作的方法,称量精度低,工人劳动强度大。据此我们于1985年7月在微机皮带秤的基础上开始又研制微机配料秤。1986年6月用于烧结厂一烧车间配料室,参予原生铁矿的自动配料。同时经改进后又于1986年8月用于焦化厂备煤车间的自动配煤生产中,两台机器都安全运行至今,取得了很好的效果,深受现场工人和技术人员的好评和信赖。微机配料秤称量和控制系统是一个闭环系统,根据对所配物料的化学分析和物料的数量等因素来决定各种原料的配比关系,计算机将接收到的配比给定值与下料实际值进行比较,得出偏差进行软件 At present, the batching scales in our country are very backward, especially in metallurgical raw material batching systems. Most of the batches are manually operated, with low precision and large labor intensity. Therefore, we started in July 1985 on the basis of the microcomputer belt scale and developed computer batching scales. 1986 June for sintering plant a burning workshop batching room, to participate in the automatic allocation of primary iron ore. At the same time improved and in August 1986 for coking plant coal preparation plant in the automatic coal production, the two machines are safe operation so far, and achieved good results, by field workers and technicians praise and trust . Computer weighing scale weighing system and control system is a closed-loop system, according to the assigned material chemical analysis and the number of materials and other factors to determine the ratio of various raw materials, the computer will receive the ratio of the given value and the material The actual value of the comparison, the deviation of the software
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四季饮茶有讲究   1春季应饮花茶。饮花茶可以散发一冬积在人体内的寒气,浓郁的茶香能促进人体内阳气的发生。   2夏季饮绿茶为佳。绿茶性味苦寒,可以清热,消暑解毒,止渴
江西新余钢铁厂第二炼铁分厂的600m~3高炉炉前出铁场除尘系统,在马鞍山钢铁设计研究院的帮助下,已于1987年12月投入运行使用。 The dust removal system of the blast furnace