几年来,我省在支护工作中取得了较好的成效。实践证明,加强支护管理是提高经济效益的重要措施。 总结近几年的工作,对做好支护管理工作有以下体会: 1.加强领导、健全机构是推动支护工作的关键 支护管理工作是煤矿企业一项技术性强、涉及面广、工作量大的综合性企业管理工作。各级领导应把支护管理,特别是支护改革当成矿井技术改造的重要内容来抓,主管生产的局、矿长主抓,经营局、
In recent years, our province has achieved good results in support work. Practice has proved that strengthening support management is an important measure to improve economic efficiency. Summarize the work in recent years, to do a good job in the support of the management of the following experience: 1. Strengthen the leadership and improve the agency is to promote the support of key support and management work is a coal mining technology, involving a wide range of workload Large integrated enterprise management. Leaders at all levels should regard support and management, especially support and support, as an important part of technological transformation in mines. The competent bureaus and mine chiefs are mainly responsible for the work,