2014年5月12日,联合国教科文组织驻华代表处媒介与信息素养教育项目官Andrea Caiola(安卓先生)专程来到广州市少年宫儿童媒介素养教育中心参观考察。安卓先生首先参观了正在广州市第二少年宫内进行的“广州市少先队媒介素养教育课题成果展”。当了解到在广州市已经有来自12个区的13所学校作为子课题学校进行了媒介素养教育课程实验,百余间学校进行了媒介素养教育主题活动和示范课时,他非常兴奋,连连拍照。在新落成的儿童媒介素养教育中心课室内,广州市少年宫副主任、
On May 12, 2014, Andrea Caiola, Media and Information Literacy Education Project Officer of UNESCO Office in China made a special trip to Guangzhou Children’s Palace Children’s Media Literacy Education Center. Mr. Andrew first visited “Guangzhou Young Pioneer Media Literacy Education Achievements Exhibition” which is being conducted in Guangzhou No.2 Children’s Palace. When he learned that there are already 13 schools in 12 districts in Guangzhou that have conducted media literacy education experiments as subproject schools and over 100 schools have conducted media literacy education themed and demonstration classes, he was very excited and took pictures again and again. In the new classroom for children’s media literacy education center, deputy director of Guangzhou Children’s Palace,