波斯部落.特别是米堤亚人,直到大约公元前10世纪才出现在格罗斯山区,因此在西部属后来者。 虽然米堤亚与亚述的邻国一样从北方来到扎格罗斯山区,但也同样深受亚述文化的影响。起初他们甚至采用了亚述文字,后来转向古波斯楔形文字而将其放弃。这种楔形文字本身从阿卡德文派生出
The Persian tribes, especially the Minute people, did not appear in the Gross area until about the 10th century BC and thus belonged to the West. Although Mestia came to the Zagros region from the north like Assyria’s neighbors, it is similarly influenced by the Assyrian culture. At first they even used Assyrian writing and later turned to cursive cuneiform writing to abandon it. This cuneiform itself is derived from Acadian