五十四年前,毛泽东同志为悼念伟大的国际主义战士诺尔曼·白求恩同志,写下了《纪念白求恩》这篇光辉著作。倡导了白求恩同志用生命和鲜血写就的白求恩精神。半个世纪以来,伟大的白求恩精神并未因历史的尘封而湮没无闻;也未因时代的变迁和改革而消失。白求恩同志的那种“毫不利己专门利人”崇高境界和“对工作极端的负责任’对同志对人民的极端的热忱”的高尚品质,早已在中国人民,特别是广大卫生医疗工作者中间形成了一种道德风范,一种英雄楷模。 作为50年代建立起来的卫生防疫机构,随着我国法制建设的发展,依照《食品卫生法试行)》、《公共场所卫生管理条例》等一系
Fifty-four years ago, Comrade Mao Zedong wrote commemorating the great internationalist comrade Norman Norman Bethune and wrote a glorious book entitled “In Memory of Bethune”. Comrade Bethune advocated the Bethune spirit written with life and blood. For half a century, the great Bethune spirit has not been obscured by the dust of history; it has not disappeared due to changes in the times and reforms. Comrade Bethune’s lofty realm of “nothing against one’s own interests” and “the dedication of extreme responsibility for the work to the extreme enthusiasm of the comrades for the people” has long been among the Chinese people, especially the health care workers in general. Formed a moral style, a hero model. As a health and anti-epidemic agency established in the 1950s, with the development of China’s legal system, a series of laws, such as the “Trial of Food Hygiene Law” and “Public Places Hygiene Management Regulations,” etc.