The grim realities of social order In a heavily populated city like Shenzhen, it is very difficult to accurately count the total population. According to the data released by Shenzhen Public Security Bureau at the concluding meeting of the clean-up and remediation of rental houses in 2005, the number of temporary residents in Shenzhen has reached 10.7 million and the registered population of 1.4 million has been reached. At present, the total population in Shenzhen City has reached more than 12 million. The ratio of population to non-native population is 1: 7.6. In the same period, the ratio of census register population to non-native population in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou was 1: 0.25, 1: 0.24, 1: 0.43 respectively. Among Shenzhen’s population, 75% of whom have a junior high school education or below, these innocent people have caused countless social security problems and have become at high risk for social order. Of the 6345 criminal suspects captured by Baoan Public Security Bureau in 2003, the temporary residents accounted for 98.7% of the total. The migrant population gave Shenzhen public security