大鼠三角肌前、后部的运动神经元[许家军等。解剖学杂志,1995;18(2):143]为了解主动与拮抗肌的运动神经元,应用HRP逆行追踪技术研究了大鼠三角肌前部、后部的运动神经元。三角肌前部的运动神经元地位于C4 ̄6脊髓前外侧核背部及其与后外侧核之间。...
Rats before and after deltoid motor neurons [Xu Jiajun et al. Journal of Anatomy, 1995; 18 (2): 143] In order to understand the active and antagonistic muscle motor neurons, the motor neurons in the anterior and posterior parts of the deltoid muscle of rats were studied by HRP retrograde tracking. The motor neurons in the anterior part of the deltoid muscle are located between the posterior lateral nucleus of the C4-6 spinal cord and its posterior lateral nucleus. ...