近年发现 ,肝硬化腹水时 ,肝内慢性炎症均较明显[1] ,特别是在门脉区呈现明显小血管炎、栓塞和机化[2 ,3 ] ,同时血液粘度升高[4 ] 。因此 ,治疗肝硬化腹水应遵循消退肝内慢性炎症、化解肝内淤塞和降低血液粘度三原则 ,并辅以适当利尿剂和腹水静脉回输 ,腹水才能缓慢消退。1
In recent years, found that cirrhosis of the liver, chronic intrahepatic inflammation were more obvious [1], especially in the portal area showed obvious vasculitis, embolization and machine [2, 3], while the blood viscosity increased [4]. Therefore, the treatment of cirrhotic ascites should follow the three principles of dissipating chronic inflammation in the liver, to resolve the liver blockage and reduce blood viscosity, supplemented by appropriate diuretics and ascites venous return, ascites to subside slowly. 1