Male patient, 76 years old, right cheek swelling and discomfort for 3 months, invalid hospitalized by anti-inflammatory treatment, physical examination: good general condition, no superficial lymph node enlargement, drooping right scrotum, no redness, swelling, right scrotum Swollen and swollen testicles, cm; 7 × 6 × 5 size, surface is not smooth, hard texture, tenderness, B-ultrasound diagnosis of right testicular cancer, clinical diagnosis: right testicular cancer. Under the epidural anesthesia exploration exploration, intraoperative see: testicular enlargement, and the testicular sheath adhesion serious, clamps to take a few pieces of tissue to send frozen sections, pathology return: malignant lymphoma. Perform right radical resection of the testicles, pathological examination: the tumor tissue consists of diffusely arranged lymphoid cells, nuclear