缅怀先辈 拓展曲艺事业——广东省曲艺家协会“清明”座谈会纪要

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近年来,每逢清明时节,广东省曲艺家协会都有缅怀曲艺前辈的纪念活动。今年4月22日,省曲协又举行了一个题为“缅怀曲艺先辈,拓展曲艺事业”的清明座谈会。出席座谈会的有省、市、部队、专业团体和港澳地区等40多位曲艺界同仁。到会者以缅怀先辈光辉业绩,回顾先辈的艺术成名之道,颂扬先辈艺术艺德,发扬先辈敬业精神为中心话题,对照分析了当今曲坛的发展趋势,提出了不少加强我省曲艺队伍建设、人才培养、扶持弱势群体、扶掖精品力作等方面的建设性意见。与会者发言踊跃,畅所欲言。发言的内容纳为以下几个方面:缅怀先辈颂扬德艺双馨近几年来,我省相继有李少芳、白燕仔、王金兰、陈燕莺、黄少敬、关心民等曲艺家去世。他们都曾叱咤曲坛,为广东曲艺事业作出了不少贡献。省曲协主席李时成在主持中高度赞扬了先辈们认认真真做人,勤勤恳恳工作,专心钻研艺术,热心扶掖后人的高贵品质。希望曲坛中人能发扬先辈的敬业精神,乘广东曲坛兴旺之东风,努力开拓广东的曲艺事业。接着李时成主席的话题,著名星腔艺术家黄少梅介绍了尊师李少芳收徒传艺的轶事,赞扬芳姐收徒从不讲钱,而且还出资请音乐师傅为徒弟伴奏度曲,甚至在徒弟成名之后,还要出钱助其举办个人演唱 In recent years, during the Ching Ming Festival, Guangdong Artists Association have all cherished their memory of the predecessors of Quyi. April 22 this year, the provincial music Association also held a entitled “cherish the memory of the forefathers of the art, to expand the cause of art ” Qingming forum. Attending the symposium were provincial, municipal, military, professional groups and Hong Kong and Macao more than 40 song art colleagues. The attendees recalled the art fame of their ancestors, celebrated the ancestral arts, and celebrated the dedication of their ancestors as the central topic in memory of the glory of their ancestors, analyzed the development trend of today’s music altar, and put forward many suggestions to strengthen the art troupes of our province Construction, personnel training, support for the disadvantaged groups, to promote quality masterpiece and other aspects of the constructive comments. Participants spoke enthusiastically and freely. In his speech, the contents of the speech are as follows: Remembrance of ancestors praise of German art and double happiness In recent years, Li Shaofang, Bai Yanzai, Wang Jinlan, Chen Yanying, Huang Shao-jing, Guan Xinmin and other artists have successively died in our province. All of them have been wandering the music altar, making a lot of contributions to Guangdong Quyi’s career. Li Shicheng, chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Association for Ququ, highly praised the ancestors who conscientiously worked hard and diligently and earnestly to devote themselves to studying art and enthusiastically encouraged and upheld their noble qualities. I hope people in the music scene can carry forward the dedication of their ancestors and take advantage of the prosperous eastern Guangdong music market to work hard to develop the folk art in Guangdong. Followed by the topic of Chairman Li Shicheng, well-known star artist Huang Shaomei introduced Li Shaofang Zhuanzhuyi respect anecdote, praised Fang sister never receive money, but also funding the music master apprentice accompaniment melody, even after the apprentice became famous , But also give money to help organize their own concert
家庭状况    秦先生  35岁,北京某IT公司部门经理,年收入约15万元,单位有社保并给经常出差的员工统一购买了意外伤害保险(保额20万元),没有其他商业保险。秦先生父亲已去世(心脏病),母亲和姐姐在农村,参加了农村合作医疗,另有一个弟弟,也在北京工作,但收入较低。    刘女士  29岁,原来在某公司从事财务工作,因生育原因辞职已近两年,暂时失业在家,原有社保已中断缴费。早年刘女士的父母曾给她