目的:探讨应用腓动脉外踝前终末穿支降支蒂岛状皮瓣修复中、前足软组织缺损创面的临床应用效果。方法:自2010年1月至2016年12月,应用腓动脉外踝前终末穿支降支蒂岛状皮瓣修复中、前足软组织缺损5例。应用腓动脉外踝前终末穿支的降支与踝关节及跗骨窦周围血管网的吻合,皮瓣旋转点可低至跗骨窦附近,设计皮瓣逆行旋转后修复中、前足软组织缺损创面,其中皮瓣切取面积15 cm×12 cm~8 cm×6 cm。术后采用门诊及微信随访所有患者,观察记录皮瓣外观及受区肢体功能恢复情况。结果:所有皮瓣均完全成活,无需二次手术。术后随访6~15个月,皮瓣质地优良,外形无臃肿,患肢踝关节活动度平均背屈15°,跖屈25°。结论:以腓动脉外踝前终末穿支的降支为蒂的逆行岛状皮瓣可用于修复中、前足软组织缺损创面,皮瓣血运可靠,是修复中、前足软组织缺损创面的较好选择。“,”Objective:To explore clinical application of the island flap pedicled of the descending branch of perforating branch from lateral anterior malleolus of peroneal artery in repairing the soft tissue defects in midfoot and forefoot.Methods:From January, 2010 to December, 2016, based on the anastomosis between the descending branch from a terminal branch of peroneal artery on the anterior aspect of the lateral malleolus and other branches located around the ankle joint and sinus tarsi, island flap with a pedicle could be harvested more distally and to be used in covering the soft tissue defects in midfoot and forefoot of 5 patients. Sizes of the flap were from 15 cm×12 cm to 8 cm×6 cm. All patients were followed-up in outpatient clinic or through WeChat. The appearance of the flaps and ankle function were recorded simultaneously.Results:All flaps were survived without any secondary surgeries. During the follow-up of 6-15 months, the texture of flaps was good with satisfactory estheticity. Range of motion at the injured ankle was 15° in dorsi flexion and 25° in plantar flexion.Conclusion:The flap with a pedicle of the descending branch of perforating branch from lateral anterior malleolus of peroneal artery is good enough to be used in the reconstruction of soft tissue defects in midfoot and forefoot.