边坡植草临界坡长的研究对节约建设资金、美化环境具有重要的实践价值。本文采用田间试验与已建高速公路典型样地调查相结合,结果表明:边坡植草临界坡长的确定与边坡土壤情况、坡面排水方式、植草方式等密切相关。粘土边坡上不同植草方式的植草临界坡长差异较大,相同植草模式的粘土边坡植草临界坡长较砂土边坡大,最长可达9.5 m。实践中应根据边坡实际情况确定防护形式。
The study on the slope length of slope grass planting has important practical value for saving construction funds and beautifying the environment. This paper uses the field experiment and the survey of the typical highway construction sample. The results show that the determination of the critical slope length of slope planting is closely related to the slope soil condition, slope drainage and grass planting methods. The critical slope length of grassland under different grass-planting methods is quite different in clay slope. The critical slope length of grass-planting clay in the same grass-planting pattern is larger than that of sand slope, up to 9.5 m. Practice should be based on the actual situation of the slope to determine the form of protection.