2013年1月25日在浙江省第十二届人民代表大会第一次会议上各位代表:受省人民政府委托,现将浙江省2012年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况及2013年国民经济和社会发展计划草案提请各位代表审议,并请省政协委员和其他列席人员提出意见。一、201 2年我省国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况2012年,面对复杂严峻的宏观经济环境,全省上下认真落实省委省政府各项决策部署,深入实施“八八战略”和“创业富民、创新强省”总战略,坚持“稳中求进、转中求好”工作基调,凝心聚力、砥砺奋进、扎实工作,全省呈现经济增长稳步回升、转型升级扎实推进、社会和谐稳定的良好发展态势。省十一届人大五次会议确定的各项约束性指标全面完
January 25, 2013 At the First Meeting of the Twelfth People’s Congress of Zhejiang, Deputies: Entrusted by the Provincial People’s Government, the implementation of the national economic and social development plan for 2012 in Zhejiang Province and the implementation of the national economy and social order in 2013 Draft social development plan drew delegates’ consideration and invited provincial CPPCC members and other attendants to submit their opinions. I. Implementation of National Economic and Social Development Plan in 2012 In 2012, faced with the complicated and severe macroeconomic environment, the province earnestly implemented all decision-making and deployment plans of the provincial party committee and government and implemented the “Eight-eight Strategy” And “start a business for the rich and create strong province” strategy, adhere to the “steady progress, turn for the better” work tone, solidarity, forging ahead, solid work, showing the province’s economic growth has risen steadily, Solid progress in transformation and upgrading, social harmony and stability of the sound development trend. The binding targets set by the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress have been completely completed