
来源 :中学课程辅导(教师通讯) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arllar
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对于高考语文来说,160分的试卷,作文占70分,所以说“得作文者得天下”的说法也不是危言耸听。对于一些语文素养较高,基础较扎实的同学来说,作文是水到渠成之作,心到手自然也到,但这部分同学毕竟太少了。一些常拿中低档分数的同学在高三虽然也认识到了作文的重要,思想上重视了起来,奈何不得要领,如果碰上老师只是就某个题目而某个题目讲解,那就“只见树木不见森林”了。 For the college entrance examination of Chinese, 160 papers, essays accounted for 70 points, so that “The author must have ” argument is not alarmist. For some high-level language literacy, solid foundation of students, the essay is a matter of course, the heart naturally reach, but after all, this part of the students too little. Some students often take the middle and low scores in the third year although the students also recognize the importance of composition, ideological attention up, regrettable, if run into the teacher just on a subject and a topic to explain, then “I saw the trees I do not see the forest. ”