冉冀原,河北省保定人,1965年出生,9岁开始追着大人的自行车去白洋淀偷着钓鱼。1995年在深圳见台湾商人用“悬坠钓”法钓鱼,依葫芦画瓢学会了这种钓法;2000年接触竞技钓鱼,曾获河北省钓鱼比赛第6名。 3月27日,冉冀原南下700公里,参加连云港举办的“《钓鱼》杂志读者之友杯”钓鱼比赛,获第7名。记者发现,在许多钓手围着王永贵、化绍新请教用什么饵,钩和线怎么搭配的时候,冉却在用钓饵仔细地计算着浮标下行速度和失重后的回升时间。钓饵和浮标哪个重要?冉冀原的回答是:鱼钓好了什么都无所谓;钓砸了,饵也不行,标也不行。过去,我总是把饵和标分离开来,当成一个孤立的元素去认识。看别人调4钓2都钓得不错,自己也是调4钓2,不行就疑惑是钓饵出了问题,后来王永贵让我注意
Ran Jiban, Baoding, Hebei Province, was born in 1965, at the age of 9, chasing an adult bike chasing Baiyangdian fishing. In 1995, he met Taiwanese traders in Shenzhen and used the method of “hanging hanging fishing” to learn how to fish. In 2000, he came in contact with competitive fishing and won the sixth place in the fishing competition in Hebei Province. On March 27, Ran Ji originally traveled 700 kilometers south to participate in the fishing competition held by Lianyungang Friends of Reader Magazine, which won the seventh place. The reporter found that in many fishing around the Wang Yonggui, Hashimoto new to ask what bait, hook and line with the time, Ran is still using the bait carefully calculated buoy descent speed and weight loss after the rise time. Fishing bait and buoy which is important? Ran Ji original answer is: fish fishing good what does not matter; fishing smashed, bait does not work, the standard does not work. In the past, I always separated the bait from the mark, to recognize it as an isolated element. See other people tune 4 fishing 2 are fishing well, they also transfer 4 fishing 2, no doubt the bait out of the question, and later Wang Yonggui let me pay attention