扩展方舱即双面扩展式医疗手术方舱。结构、材料、使用方式等与医用技术车有许多不同,传热更加不稳定、传热计算更为复杂。本文用稳定平壁传热公式对扩展方舱传热做了简化计算和试验验证,并对今后的改进提出了方向。1 扩展方舱传热特点(1)“反对称双面扩展”结构,使得传热过程复杂、计算困难。(2)舱体的蓄热、反射对传热产生附加效应,使计算精度更加难以控制。
Expansion shelter that is double-sided expansion of the medical cabin. Structure, materials, methods of use and medical technology have many different cars, heat transfer is more unstable, heat transfer calculation is more complicated. In this paper, a simplified calculation and experimental verification of heat transfer in extended cabin are carried out by using the stable wall heat transfer formula, and the direction for future improvements is proposed. 1 expansion cabin heat transfer characteristics (1) “anti-symmetric double-sided expansion” structure, making the heat transfer process is complex, difficult to calculate. (2) The heat storage and reflection of the cabin have additional effects on the heat transfer, making the calculation accuracy more difficult to control.