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本文系1974年在山东省邹县进行赤眼蜂防治玉米螟的研究结果。重点是摸索放蜂时间、次数、数量和蜂菌配合的防治效果,同时还探明了玉米的不同播种方式、长势及玉米螟落卵量的不同与放蜂效果的关系。研究结果表明:利用赤眼蜂防治玉米螟效果明显,卵寄生率一般可达70—90%,防治效果达60—80%。赤眼蜂每次放逢量一般以1万头为宜,寄生率可达80%左右,蜂量再多似无必要。放蜂时间要掌握在卵初期,防治效果可达82.6%,若在卵盛期放蜂,防治效果降低34.8%。放蜂的次数主要根据玉米螟全卵期的长短和赤眼蜂在当时的田间温度下发育一代所需时间而确定,一般放蜂3—4次即可。玉米的长势与赤眼蜂寄生率的关系极为密切,长势好的地块赤眼蜂的寄生率明显高于长势差的地块。以蜂灭卵,以菌扫残(幼虫),蜂菌配合可明显提高防治效果。 This article is in 1974 in Zou County, Shandong Province for Trichogramma ostriniae research results. The key point is to explore the time, number and quantity of the bee-eaters and the control effect of the co-operation with bee colony. At the same time, the relationship between the different sowing methods, the growing status and the number of laying eggs of the corn borer and the bee-keeping effect was also explored. The results showed that: the use of Trichogramma ostriniae effect is obvious, the egg parasitic rate is generally up to 70-90%, the control effect of 60-80%. Trichogramma per dose of 1 million is generally appropriate, the parasitism rate of up to 80%, the amount of bees seem more unnecessary. Put the time to put the eggs in the early stages of eggs, the control effect of up to 82.6%, if the egg was put in the peak of eggs, the control effect decreased 34.8%. The number of bee-keeping is mainly determined by the length of the whole ovum of the corn borer and the time required for the development of the trichogramma at the then field temperature. The relationship between the growth of maize and Trichogramma parasitism is very close. The parasitism rate of trichogramma that grows well is obviously higher than that of the growing patch. To bee egg, to sweep bacteria residue (larvae), bee colony can significantly improve the control effect.
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