The effects of glucose, insulin and oxidized low density lipoprotein on apoptosis in vascular endo

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Obejctive To study the effects of high concentrations of glucose, insulin and oxidized low density lipoprotein (ox LDL) on apoptosis in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (ECs) Methods For qualitative determination of EC apoptosis, acridine orange (AO)/ethidium bromide (EB) staining and DNA agarose gels electrophoresis were used Cellular DNA fragmentation ELISA measured apoptosis by quantitating the fragmentation of 5 bromo 2’ deoxyuridine labeled DNA Results High concentrations of glucose (20?mmol/L, 40?mmol/L), insulin (3000?μU/ml) and ox LDL (50?μg/ml, 100?μg/ml) induced concentration and time dependent apoptosis in ECs They had a synergetic effect on EC apoptosis The combined effect of high concentration of glucose, insulin and ox LDL was greater than any two of them; the effect of two was greater than one alone Low concentration of insulin (30?μU/ml) decreased apoptosis in ECs induced by high concentrations of glucose (40? mmol/L), but no similar effect occurred with ox LDL (100?μg/ml) Conclusion High ambient glucose, insulin and ox LDL can induce excessive apoptosis in cultured ECs, and low ambient insulin can prevent EC apoptosis Excessive EC apoptosis induced by the separate or synergetic effect of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and hyperlipidemia may be one of the reasons for loss of endothelial integrity, dysfunction of the vascular endothelium and increased plasma membrane permeability, which are all involved in the development of diabetic macrovascular complications Obejctive To study the effects of high concentrations of glucose, insulin and oxidized low density lipoprotein (ox LDL) on apoptosis in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (ECs) Methods For qualitative determination of EC apoptosis, acridine orange (AO) / ethidium bromide ) staining and DNA agarose gels electrophoresis were used Cellular DNA fragmentation ELISA measured apoptosis by quantitating the fragmentation of 5 bromo 2 ’deoxyuridine labeled DNA Results High concentrations of glucose (20? mmol / L, 40? mmol / L) induced concentration and time dependent apoptosis in ECs They had a synergetic effect on EC apoptosis The combined effect of high concentration of glucose, insulin and ox LDL was (50 μg / ml, 100 μg / ml) greater than any two of them; the effect of two was greater than one alone Low concentration of insulin (30 μU / ml) decreased apoptosis in ECs induced by high concentrations of glucose (40? mmol / L), but n o similar effect occurred with ox LDL (100 μg / ml) Conclusion High ambient glucose, insulin and ox LDL can induce excessive apoptosis in cultured ECs, and low ambient insulin can prevent EC apoptosis induced by the separate or synergetic effect of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and hyperlipidemia may be one of the reasons for loss of endothelial integrity, dysfunction of the vascular endothelium and increased plasma membrane permeability, which are all involved in the development of diabetic macrovascular complications
在非甲状腺疾病患者中 ,可以出现甲状腺激素水平的明显变化 ,笔者通过观察糖尿病人血清甲状腺激素水平的变化 ,并与正常人比较 ,以探讨其临床意义。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 
患者30岁,孕2产1,因孕9个月,不规律性下腹坠痛半天,阴道流血3 h,于2003年10月27日15点30分入院.患者月经规律,月经周期28 d,经期4~5 d,经血量中等,无痛经史.26岁结婚,婚后生活正常.既往健康.患者2年前,于孕34周时无明显原因胎死宫内,行依沙吖啶(100 mg)羊膜腔穿刺引产,死胎娩出后检查,胎儿及胎盘、脐带未发现异常。
Objective To investigate the possible bone changes in female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) induced by long term administration of Tripter