On the issue of energy shortage in our province, many experts made predictions that even if the national energy industry develops in the future, our province will not be alleviated in the short term. According to the energy consumption composition of our province in recent years, coal accounts for 75%, and other Energy accounts for 25%, and coal-based energy will not change much in the past 20-30 years. Therefore, Jiangsu’s energy issue is mainly a matter of coal balance. The proven reserves of coal resources in our province are 4,200 Mt, which is only 0.54% of the national total, and 89% are distributed in Xuzhou and Datun mining areas, of which Datun accounts for 53%, Xuzhou accounts for 36%, local accounts for 4%, and Southern Jiangsu accounts for 7%. Most of the above-mentioned coal of 1000m depth has been developed and utilized. In the long run, 12 wells are available for development and construction, most of which are buried deep, and some are under densely populated buildings and lakes and are difficult to develop in the last 10 years.