均势外交是伍廷芳外交实践中积极实行的外交策略。他主张对外主动开放通商,主动因应 美国“门户开放”政策,以争取在中国保持均势局面。这一策略有利于当时中国避免被瓜分的后果。 它被后世所承继,在抗衡日本独霸中国的大陆政策方面更是起到了长期而积极的影响。
Balance of power diplomacy is Wu T’ing-fang’s diplomatic tactics in the practice of diplomacy. He advocated the initiative to open up foreign trade and take the initiative to respond to the U.S. “open door” policy so as to maintain the balance of power in China. This tactic helped China avoid the consequences of being divided up. It is inherited by future generations and exerts a more long-term positive influence in countering Japan’s mainland policy of dominating China.