To the Editor:A27?year?old Chinese man presented to the hospital complaining of red nodules on the chest and back that gradually enlarged with spiking fever up to 39℃. He had nodular panniculitis when he was 21 years old. The family history was silent. Physical examination on admission revealed skin pigmentation, skin nodules (four, 2 cm × 2 cm, without movement and tendess), and red rash without pain and pruritus over the body. Laboratory tests showed pancytopenia, especially for white blood cell (WBC) and platelet (PLT), raised triglycerides (TGs) and ferritin levels, liver enzyme abnormalities, decreased albumin value, and deranged coagulation profile. Other autoantibody profile including antinuclear antibody and anti?cyclic citrullinated peptides and thyroid function tests showed no abnormity. Ultrasound suggested splenomegaly and hepatic calcification. Chest high?resolution computed tomography indicated ground?glass opacities on the right upper lobe of the lung, in line with pericardial and pleural effusion, and increased number of bilateral enlarged axillary lymph nodes. Biopsy of skin nodules and subcutaneous tissue showed septal and lobular fibroplasia and lymphocytic infiltration within the lobular septa and around the skin appendages [Figure 1]. The result was manifested as nodular panniculitis.