主任、各位副主任、秘书长,各位委员:我受自治区人民政府委托,向自治区人大常委会报告我区新型农村合作医疗工作情况,请予审议。一、基本情况我区新型农村合作医疗试点工作从2003年9月启动运行, 2006年扩大到11个县(市、区),2007年扩大到18个县(市、区),提前1年使新型农村合作医疗覆盖所有的农业县(市、区)。目前,18个县(市、区)共有319.43万人参加新型农村合作医疗,覆盖农业人口375.58万人,参合率为85.05%。截止2007年
Director, deputy director, secretary general, members: I was entrusted by the People’s Government of the autonomous region to report to the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of the Autonomous Region on the work situation of new rural cooperative medical care in our district. Please give consideration. I. Basic information The pilot work of the new rural cooperative medical system in our district was started from September 2003. It was expanded to 11 counties (cities, districts) in 2006, and it was expanded to 18 counties (cities, districts) in 2007, one year ahead of schedule. New rural cooperative medical care covers all agricultural counties (cities, districts). At present, a total of 3,194,300 people in 18 counties (cities, districts) participate in new rural cooperative medical care, covering 375.58 million agricultural population, and the participation rate is 85.05%. As of 2007