戏剧界圈里有人将由党政部门发文组织看的戏称为“红头文件”戏剧(俗称“文件戏”)。在话剧市场低迷的今天,不少话剧团体求助于此法,增加了场次和收入,屡有成效。但在戏剧创作圈内,对“文件戏”的做法众说不一,赞弹有之。近年来,确有一些以炒作和赚钱为目的的戏贩子,以及个别对“文件戏”认识不足的剧团领导,将“文件戏”视为增加收入的手段,对舞台艺术粗制滥造,在社会上引起了不良的影响,使“文件戏”的运作成了不雅之举。 但不能因此以偏概全,今天,应
Someone in the theater circle refers to the drama “red-head document” (commonly known as “documentary drama”) as seen by the documentary organization run by the party and government departments. At a time when the drama market is in a downturn, quite a number of drama groups have turned to this act, which has increased the number of shows and their revenues and has achieved many successes. However, in the field of drama creation, the practice of “documentary drama” is not the same. In recent years, there have indeed been a number of theater dealers who aim at speculation and making money, as well as some individual theater leaders who lack understanding of “documentary drama”. They regard “documentary drama” as a means of increasing incomes, rudely creating stage art and causing social conflicts The bad influence made the operation of “documentary drama” an indecent act. However, we should not over-generalize it today