2006年,美国电视连续剧《越狱》火遍全球。它离奇的故事、紧张的情节、完美的角色和精良的制作吸引了全球成千上万的观众,令人欲罢不能。然而年近岁末,《越狱》在播完第二季的第13集之后停播,观众不得不耐心地等待。这种耐心会持续多久?《越狱》会受到停播的影响吗?和《越狱》一样,本赛季的 CBA 职业联赛受亚运会的影响,在2006年岁末的时候也不得不“停播”了一段时间;但和《越狱》不同的是,后者本来
In 2006, the United States television series “Prison Break” over the world. Its bizarre stories, stressful plots, perfect characters and sophisticated productions have attracted millions of viewers worldwide and are overwhelming. However, at the end of recent years, “Prison Break” stopped after the 13th episode of the second season of broadcast, and the audience had to wait patiently. This patience will last for a long time? “Prison Break” will be affected by the suspension? As with “Prison Break”, this season’s CBA professional league by the Asian Games, in late 2006 when they had to “stop broadcasting ”For a while; but unlike Prison Break, the latter was