难忘的历史 不朽的回忆——古越龙山国宴酒往事

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绍兴酒作为世界三大古酒之一、中国黄酒的杰出代表,在其发展的历史长河中,可以说留下了许多脍炙人口、精美绝伦的传奇典故和雅趣俗闻。正由于这些.使古老而又年轻的黄酒.充满了多姿多彩、活力四射的巨大魅力.并历经千年而不衰。古越龙山作为绍兴黄酒、中国黄酒的杰出代表,更是有许多可圈可点的光荣革命历史,可以说道。今儿就浪费点笔墨,重点回顾一下国宴酒之往事。或许已经有许多人,知道古越龙山是钓鱼台国宾馆国宴专用酒,或许还有不少人曾经品尝过国宴酒,并至今仍为其之品、之香、之美而有挥之不去的印象,但到底古越龙山是什么时候被选入钓鱼台国宾馆?怎样参与新中国成立十周年盛大庆典?国宴酒的背后又有哪些神秘的故事?为此,我们专门采访了时任古越龙山的老领导刘金柱先生,聆听他作为一个历史的经历者和见证者,细述关于国宴酒背后不凡的往事。 As one of the three ancient wines in the world, Shaoxing Wine is an outstanding representative of Chinese rice wine. In its long history of development, it can be said that many legendary allusions and elegies that are popular in the world are exquisite and exquisite. It is for these reasons that the ancient and young rice wine is full of colorful and vibrant tremendous charm, and after a long period of decline. As an outstanding representative of Shaoxing rice wine and Chinese rice wine, Gu Yue Long Shan has many remarkable historical records of glorious revolution. Now wasting ink, focusing on the past banquet wine. Perhaps many people already know that Gu Yue Long Shan is Diaoyutai State Guesthouse State Banquet wine, and perhaps many people have tasted the State Banquet, and still its products, its fragrance, the impression of lingering, But in the end when the ancient Yue Longshan was selected Diaoyutai State Guesthouse? How to participate in the 10th anniversary of the founding of New China grand celebration? State banquet wine behind what mysterious story? To this end, we specifically interviewed when the old leaders of ancient Yue Longshan Sir, listen to him as a historical witness and witness, detailing the extraordinary past behind the state banquet.
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