“Foolish Old Man” is a well-known fable story, selected from the Warring States period Taoist “Lie Zi Tang” is “Liezi” in the fifth of eight: Taihang, Wangwu Er Shan, the square seven hundred miles, Gao Wanlian, The south of Jizhou, the north of Heyang. Kitayama Foolish, years and ninety, Fushan stay. Correction of the North Mountain plug, out of the roundabout also. Poly chamber and seek to say: “I and Ru Bi Li Ping Dan, referring to Henan, up to Hanyin, can?” Heizhe phase Xu. His wife said suspicion: “The power of the king, had failed to damage the father of the hill, such as the Taihang, Wangwu and?” Miscellaneous said: “cast the end of the Bohai Sea, the hidden north . ”Then the burden of future generations burden three