各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 从12月1日起,全省将进入森林防火期。为认真总结经验教训,进一步采取超常规措施,切实抓紧抓好今冬明春的森林防火工作,减少世纪之交森林火灾的发生,降低因森林火灾造成的损失。特作如下通知: 一、认清形势,增强做好今冬明春森林防火工作的紧迫感和责任感我省历史上曾经是森林火灾的多发区和重灾区,由于各级党委、政府的高度重视和全省各族人民的共同努力,从1987年至1998年连续12年间森林防火工作取得了令人瞩目的好成绩,迈人全国的先进行列。但去冬今春,由于受拉尼娜现象的影响,气候异常,冬春连旱,持续高温,局部地区火
Each state, city and county people’s government, the regional administrative offices, the provincial direct all committees, offices, offices, bureau: From December 1 onwards, the province will enter the forest fire prevention period. In order to conscientiously sum up experiences and lessons, further take unconventional measures, and earnestly do a good job this winter and spring forest fire prevention work, reduce the incidence of forest fires at the turn of the century, reduce the losses caused by forest fires. We hereby make the following special notice: I. Understanding the situation and enhancing the sense of urgency and responsibility for forest fire prevention work in the winter and spring of this year In the history of our province, forest fires were the most frequent and hardest hit. As the party committees and governments at all levels attach great importance to Through the joint efforts of people of all ethnic groups in the province, remarkable progress has been made in the forest fire prevention work from 1987 to 1998 for 12 consecutive years, marking an advanced stage in the country. But last winter and spring, due to La Niña phenomenon, the climate anomaly, winter and spring drought, sustained high temperature, local fire