In the United States, about one million induced abortions were reported and it is hard to overestimate an advanced and effective abortion technique that does not show complications and sequelae. Early termination of pregnancy is particularly noteworthy technology, in general, the termination of early pregnancy how much its complications and pregnancy-related. Due to the high sensitivity of pregnancy tests (95% accuracy within 12 to 16 days after conception, the number of people requiring early termination of pregnancy also increased.) Aspirin is the most commonly used technique but effective termination of pregnancy and termination of surgery Pregnancy compared to avoid cervical and intrauterine mechanical injury, and prostaglandin termination of early pregnancy is precisely this complication can be avoided.In this paper, 15-methyl-PGF_ (2α) vaginal suppository is prepared from the base wax There are two forms: the slow acting vaginal suppository 3mg and the fast acting vaginal suppository 1mg, both