核桃既是我区的主要木本油料,又是重要的食品加工原料和大宗出口物资。但因属雌雄异花,开花多,座果少。对此,可采取以下五项措施来保花保果。1、增施肥水。果实采收后要及时施入基肥,一般大树每株施土杂肥2 000公斤;在新梢、果实速生期,每株可追人粪尿100公斤,硫酸铵2.5公斤,过磷酸钙1.5公斤。施肥后要及时灌水,天气干旱及时灌水;无灌溉条件的地方要进行蓄水保墒,以减少落花落果,提高座果率。2、机械创伤。通过机械创伤,破坏部分韧皮部有机养分运输通道,改变树体醣分和含氮物质的比例,有利于花芽分化和开花结果。办法是;(1)断根。对生长过旺树,于落叶后至发芽前,刨开根部土壤,在距根颈0.6—2.0米处截断5—15厘
Walnut is not only the major woody fuel oil in our region, but also an important food processing raw material and bulk export materials. But because of hermaphrodite, flowering, fruit fewer. In this regard, can take the following five measures to protect the flower and fruit. 1, increase fertilizer. Fruit harvest after the timely application of basal fertilizer, the general tree per plant Tuza Fei 2 000 kg; in the shoots, fruit fast-growing period, each plant can catch human waste 100 kg, ammonium sulfate 2.5 kg, superphosphate 1.5 kg. Timely irrigation after fertilization, weather, drought and timely irrigation; no irrigation conditions for water storage and conservation, in order to reduce the drop of fruit, improve the rate of fruit set. 2, mechanical trauma. Through mechanical trauma, destruction of part of the phloem organic nutrient transport channels, changing the tree sugar and nitrogen content ratio is conducive to flower bud differentiation and flowering results. The way is; (1) cut off the root. Excessive growth of trees on the trees, after deciduous to germination, planing root soil at the root neck 0.6-2.0 m cut off 5-15%