复方感冒灵片由金银花、野菊花、板蓝根、朴热息痛、扑尔敏、咖啡因组方而成。笔者曾接诊11例因大剂量服用复方感冒灵片致急性胃粘膜病变的老年患者11例。 11例中,均否认胃病史。服感冒灵:8~15片/次,平均12.5片/次。服药后2~11小时出现呕血3例,黑便8例。急诊胃镜提示:急性胃粘膜病变。入院后予H_2受体拮抗剂、制酸剂及胃粘膜保护剂对症治疗症状消失,一周后复查胃镜均痊愈出院。
Compound coldmall film from honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemum, Banlangen, Park fever, chlorpheniramine, caffeine from the party. The author has admitted 11 cases of elderly patients with acute gastric mucosal lesions due to taking large doses of compound cold mumps in 11 cases. 11 cases, all denied stomach history. Serve the cold body: 8 to 15 tablets / time, an average of 12.5 tablets / time. 2 to 11 hours after taking hematemesis occurred in 3 cases, melena in 8 cases. Emergency gastroscopy Tip: Acute gastric mucosal lesions. After admission to H 2 receptor antagonists, antacids and gastric mucosal protective agent symptoms of symptomatic treatment disappeared, a week after the review of gastroscope were cured.