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Imet my first girlfriend when I was in my third year at college. Her name was Lan and she studied in the Foreign Language Department. We met through Old Sui, one of my roommates, who came from the same town as Lan. Blood brothers, Sui and I often drank wine together, had heart to hearts and slept together. After I met Lan, Our twosome became a threesome. Imet my first girlfriend when I was in my third year at college. Her name was Lan and she studied in the Foreign Language Department. We met through Old Sui, one of my roommates, who came from the same town as Lan. Blood brothers, Sui and I often drank wine together, had heart to hearts and slept together. After I met Lan, Our twosome became a threesome.
The Man on the Train(见Reader’s Digest,February 1991,P.55)一文中有这样一个句子: Suddenly I remembered Mr.Boyce,and how it was his generosity that enabled me t
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按照常规,县里在每年的五月份都要提拔一批干部,机会不能错过,朱强在三月份就开始了运作。朱强知道,按建设局内部的后备干部排名,排在第一号的是乡镇企業科的石铁,他朱强只能排到第二号。可朱强觉得机不可失,虽然石铁排的是第一号,可他石铁蔫了吧唧的,就知道闷头干活儿,如果自己努力也许能行,朱强坚信事在人为。  朱强找到了局里主管政工的科长谈话,找主管书记汇报。当他和局长谈完以后,心里有些控制不住地兴奋,自己
*In March, three representatives of the ACWF, as part of the Chinese delegation, attended the 45th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Wo
一、改变句式1把陈述句改变为疑问句①Whomwouldyouratherthepictureofyou?A.havetaken  B.havetakingC.havetakeD.havetotake2.把陈述句改变为倒装句②excitedwashethathed I. Change the sentence pattern 1 Change the declarative sentence to a question sentence 1W
survive 请看下列译文:经过这次船难他还活着。译文(1)He remained alive after experiencing the shipwreck. 译文(2)He survived the shipwreck. 两种译文孰优孰劣,何文何
“当我离开家的时候你满怀深情吹响号角,五星红旗,你是我的骄傲,五星红旗,我为你自豪,为你欢呼,我为你祝福,你的名字,比我生命更重要……” “When I leave home, you are