光绪向左 明治往右——近代中日变革的关键时刻

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中日两国近代史上,光绪与明治两个历史人物,一个是泱泱大国“九五之尊”的皇帝,一个是狭小岛国“万世一系”的天皇。十九世纪中期,在同样被西方列强炮轰国门蚕食威逼的危急关头,他们奋起图强,变法维新,试图挽狂澜于即倒,扶大厦之将倾。然而命运之神仿佛对光绪过于残酷,而对明治太过恩宠。明治维新演奏了一曲气势恢宏的惊天绝响,使日本摆脱危亡险境,一跃成为近代强国,雄心勃勃地“与万国对峙”;而30年后光绪主导的戊戌变法却如昙花一现,仅历103天就惨遭失败,中国加速坠入被世界列强控制宰割的深渊。当明治天皇以“民族之父”的形象光芒四射蜚声东瀛时,光绪皇帝却以“瀛台之囚”的身份独尝生命最后的悲凉时光。在风雷激荡的历史路口,他们同为矢志不渝的图强之君,命运却为何如此大相径庭?今天反思中日近代化这段改革历程,启示良多。 In the modern history of China and Japan, Guangxu and Meiji two historical figures, one is the emperor of the “Nine-Five”, one is the emperor of a narrow island country “a series of ”. In the mid-nineteenth century, at the critical juncture of the same Western powers that shelled the country from deterrence, they tried their best to reform and reform, trying to turn the tide over and topple the building. However, the god of destiny seems to be too brutal to Guangxu, and over-grace Meiji. Meiji Restoration played a magnificent earth-shattering victories, to get Japan out of danger and emerge as a modern power, ambitious “confrontation with all nations”; and 30 years later Guangxu dominated the Reform Movement of 1898 but as short-lived, only For 103 days, it failed miserably, and China accelerated its fall into the abyss of domination and control by the world’s powers. When the emperor of Meiji radiated its reputation as the “father of nations,” the Emperor Guangxu used the identity of “prisoner of Yingtai” alone to taste the last days of sadness in his life. At the historical juncture of stormy thunder and turmoil, why are they so different from their own destinies, the unshaken prime-time figure? There is much revelation today about the reform process of the modernization of China and Japan.
导读:每年3月的第二个星期一是英联邦日。加拿大与这天有什么关系呢?加拿大人民怎样庆祝这一天呢?Commonwealth Day is yearly held on the second Monday of March.It comme