目前,金属回收企业面临的一个重大问题是:回收量的增长较慢而人员增长较快。军队干部转业、战士复员、大学生分配,占地带工纷至沓来,企业无权拒绝。开封市金属回收公司1985年以来废金属回收量在1500吨至1800吨之间,而人员却以年平均20人的速度增长。如何解决人多事少的矛盾?开封市公司走深化企业内部改革的道路,取得了较好的效果。且看他们的改革措施: 1、推行满负荷工作法,合理制订企业编制。公司抽调专人测算各岗位的工作量,根据工作量提出人员编制方案。经公司
At present, a major problem faced by metal recycling companies is the slow growth of recycling volume and rapid growth of personnel. The transfer of military cadres, the demobilization of soldiers, and the distribution of college students all account for a lot of work in the area. Enterprises have no right to refuse. Kaifeng Metal Recycling Co., Ltd. has recovered between 1500 tons and 1800 tons of scrap metal since 1985, while the average person has grown at an average annual rate of 20 people. How to solve the contradictions of people who have few accidents? Kaifeng City companies have taken the road of deepening the internal reform of enterprises and achieved good results. And look at their reform measures: 1, the implementation of full-load method of work, a reasonable establishment of corporate preparation. The company transferred special personnel to measure the workload of each post, and proposed staffing plans according to the workload. The company